If you are considering giving to charity as this year ends... please consider local charities or ones that you know where the money is going.
Many people ask if I support Autism Speaks... I do not. For the same reasons I do not buy pink ribbons and walk walks... I don't know where the money trail goes... well, I have my suspicions, but that is not for this post.
I support AWN and NZ... With these two organizations, I KNOW where the money trail is and what they are specifically doing to impact our global community.
Autism Womens Network (AWN) supports females on the spectrum and your donation would go towards hosting workshops across the US to educate and empower families like mine.
This community of autistic women have welcomed me, as a NT mother, into their community with open arms... I have developed a vested interest in their work. My goal is to empower other mothers like myself and young girls like my daughter. That simple! To donate click here.
NZ (Numinous Zoe) is a non-denominational, Christ centered church that has offered local resources for me to personally work with the autism community through spiritual and energetic mentorship. Your donation would help continue not only my mission & spiritual growth, but would support outreach to many who may not otherwise afford this alternative mode of care for their families and children. To donate contact Nathan at nnorris@numinouszoe.org
TY to both of these non-profit organizations... your personal support this year to my family and the autism community has been immeasurable!!
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