I was on Facebook this morning and started to write a morning greeting in response to a post by a local autism center,"
"The latest British Medical Journal paper about autism and vaccines, which provides evidence that the initial report linking autism and vaccines was fraudulent, and the media coverage that ensued, miss an important point…"
...and since my thoughts wouldn't fit the character limit... I brought it here.
Firstly, I was stunned to see an autism school post something so controversial. I do think their job should be education, intervention and advocacy... and that their opinions about the autism/vaccinate debate should be removed from their public statements. (... So I thought that this post was risky.)
But, they are right about questioning the media's coverage ... because, of course, we know that the media is a great place to get unbiased information!!
Secondly, (here I go…) I think Wakefield is a scapegoat!! (Do you know he had nothing to do with our pre-autism decision not to vaccinate?) Yes, that is right we made this decision before autism was in our lives... And in case you are thinking, “See, you didn’t vaccinate and your child still has autism!” Let me clarify, that doesn't 'prove' anything... I often wonder why no one is researching maternal vaccine history... For instance, RhoGam ??
I know too many parents who have reported regressive autism, not to question it’s etiology. I do not think autism is ‘caused’ just by vaccines, and in some cases… that is precisely what I think. But, I also think genetics, environmental toxins take a role as well…
Moving on to what Really pushed my buttons… this particular post went on to quote Autism Speaks,
"Until science discovers the causes of autism and explains its dramatic increase, parents will continue to reach their own conclusions and desperately try a wide range of treatments, whether there is evidence to support them or not. The answer is not to look to the past and look for blame, but rather to look to the future. We need increased research financing directed toward rigorous science that can provide the answers that parents are looking for and deserve. Until this happens, we will continue to wallow in controversy, and people with autism and families will continue to struggle with autism on their own."
Geraldine Dawson
Chief Science Officer, Autism Speaks
New York, Jan. 13, 2011
Editorial in New York TImes by the Chief Science Officer of Autism Speaks
Let me be clear Autism Speaks does not speak for myself OR my child! I have many questions, but mostly where is all this money they raise??? ... and why (or how) should we take YOUR research seriously while you are insulting parents across the world with statements like this... how can we expect unbiased research ? We can't!
In this statement you are indirectly (no, directly) are asking for more money to fund research?? Does anyone else see this statement as exploitation?? In the first two sentences, parental desperation is address… then whap… they put their hand out!
What about the 6 digits your executives are making? Do you know many autism families have lost their homes, have gone down to one income, and are scrapping by to do what they can with what they have for their children while you sit in your fancy upstate New York office getting rich off of us?
I don't need Autism Speaks to tell me that my child is 'broken' or that my marriage is going to end in divorce or that autism is entity stalking my family... I have found a way past her label, the stereotypes, the fears... but that doesn't mean I sit back and quietly listen to this crap... stop exploiting our kids, adult friends and loved ones.
Stop paying your executives 6 digits! Stop spending more ((a lot more)) on travel and office expenses than what you contribute to autism research and family services. Then maybe you don't have to recruit parents on the front line to go out to collect donations and walk... when they should be focusing their attention on their child.
Finally, take the dollar sign of my child's head!!
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