My breakfast this morning consists of:
12 cans of coke
1 bunch of aspargus
distilled water
This is what I am doing this morning... Dissolving Kidney Stone with Coke for those of you who know me well, know I haven't drank pop in 12 years!! (this is not fun, burp!!)
I am going to follow it up with a 30 day cleanse with Young Living Lemon and Grapefruit Essential Oils. In fact, last night I took 4 drops of each to pave the way for this mornings yummy recipe (sarcasm)... and let me just say, "I know something cleansed from the urinary track."
For those of you who don't know this: I have had chronic kidney stones since last February and you can read more here here and here .
Oh, and I also have a bottle of Eucalyptus Blue Oil on hand just in case this gets painful. And you can read how that is significant to this whole adventure here.
Bottoms Up!!
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