My daughter is beginning to bloom out of her Tomboyish persona into a developing Tween. When we went school shopping this year she demonstrated how true this was... she was bopping to the music in the teen stores and modeling feminine outfits with confidence. This is a new side to her that I think is quite frankly freaking her father out, but I am excited to see her bloom into her own essence. So, during our girls outing, we carefully selected a few short sleeve shirts and cute, yet comfortable skirts for school…
Here lies the question: She has obvious hair under her armpits and on her legs. She is only 10! At what age do you teach your daughter how to shave?
I put the question out there to other moms and this is what they had to say:
10% - Said it depended on the coloration of the hair. If the hair was dark… yes, teach her to shave now. If the hair was light, you just bought her (and you) some time.
10% - Said take the daughter’s lead. If she is talking about it, it is probably time to pull out that pink razor. If she isn’t aware of it, don’t make a big fuss about it.
20% - Said that it depends on the emotional maturation of the individual tween; explain to her the consequences of her actions. The novelty will wear off within a few weeks and then you will have no choice versus risking the brutal taunting of your peers. Way out the consequences together then let her decide.
60% - Absolutely do it now, before the teasing begins or before she hacks herself. Remember those cuts you got when your mom didn’t let you shave when you really really wanted to?
Although, the majority thought it was urgent that we embark on the task of shaving, I went with the 20% margin… We sat down and had a heart to heart discussion about the natural consequences of both options. After we talked about it, she looked me square in the eye and said, “I will wait!”
I met her decision with respect…. But, explained that if she were to change her mind at ANY TIME that she should let me know so I could teach her the proper way to shave… (I still cringe at the thought of the gashes I had way back when).
In the mean time, I am going to head over to the local library and look up a few books a twitter-mom recommended on early puberty and developing.
Early Puberty in Girls
Care and Keeping of You
Here's Lily
The Body Book
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