“Latest autism figures should dispel any fears about the MMR jab being linked to the condition, say experts.”
This article jabs my buttons…
One of the arguments that many (including myself) have used about the autism/vaccine connection is that you just don’t see 1 out of 100 adults walking around with autism. Yes, there ARE some, but those numbers just are not as staggering as those among our youth, right? Well, according to a resent “small” study that is precisely what is occurring. Yep, that is the claim; 1 out of 100 adults do indeed have autism.
Assuming you read the article, I will share some of my thoughts…
How were the 7500 participants in this study selected? AND by what criteria were they classified? Was there enough diversity in its selection to be able to generalize this to the entire adult population concluding that this disproves the MRR/autism connection?
Assuming there was... Still think about those numbers!! 1 out of 100 adults have autism... where are they?
Next time you are in church, the grocery store, the office or even at a family function.... remember 1% of the people in attendance should (according to this research) have autism.
The truth is that there are still children who are developing typically who have a sudden regression; how can we ignore this common sense? But... Dr. Wakefield's research was discredited, right? Interesting how every politician, scientist, doctor or mom that speaks out about this connection is discredited. Who is making that determination... big pharm, scientists funded by the manufacturers, politicians with deep pockets?
Certainly, not the mothers and fathers who painstakingly watched their child regress into autism.
But.. for the sake of argument, let's assume these numbers are accurate... then how are these adult autistics functioning and who is taking care of them? Daily and often through the night I strategize how our daughter is going to be able to develop the appropriate skills and resources to live a productive life now and into adulthood... And yet, here we have 1% of the populace doing it without intervention... I am not buying it!
(And I mean NO disrespect if you are an adult experiencing autism...)
Finally, I have to reiterate mercury not is safe for the human body, brain or nervous system… guys in the yellow suits w/ masks are deployed when a thermometer breaks in a high-school science lab or at the local VOA store (those are true stories)… And, of course, the FDA advises pregnant women to reduce their consumption of fish during pregnancy because of the mercury content... Yet, we are injecting it directly into pregnant women through the RhoGam shot or young infants and children via routine and flu vaccines…
This research just doesn’t lay the autism/vaccine connection to rest for me. In fact, I see it as a way to try to pacify a community that is getting louder and a smoke screen for the rest of the people.
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