I have a new love interest...
Yup, It's true and it all started this past summer.
I was passing another kidney stone while at Mamapalooza Columbus. I had taken Percocet the night before with no relief. After a sleepless night, I told hubby (as a committee coordinator) I was going to the festival regardless of the pain or not… besides being up and moving was the best way to get this stone to pass naturally.
At the festival, the stone caused a constant dull pain with moments of sharp jabs. I walked around with my hand on my side… I think 2 people (including a MD) asked if I was pregnant. (**shakes head**) The MD advised me how to clean up my diet to prevent more stones, but that wasn’t going to rid the pain I had in the moment.
I happened to stop at the essential oils booth and was talking about autism (Of course!). I found out they had an autism protocol… completely skeptical, I kindly took some info and walked on. However, If you know me, you know that I am inquisitive… so as the day went on I went back to this booth numerous times to ask questions about this “autism protocol”.
Finally, early afternoon, the girl at the booth asked if I was okay… I nonchalantly said, “You don’t happen to have anything for kidney stone pain, do you?” She gave me a smile and said, “Let’s find out.” She pulled out this huge reference guide to Young Living’s Essential Oils and was flipping through the pages…
“Here try this… Eucalyptus Blue.”
I put 1 drop where my pain was, talked to her briefly some more about the business side of the company… and moved on. About 15 minutes later I was chatting with another vendor who complimented me on how good I smelled… I chuckled and pointed to the oils booth and said, “It is an oil from their booth. Apparently Eucalyptus is supposed to help with kidney stone pain………Holy Shit… My pain is completely gone!!” Why is this so amazing... read this, this and this about my chronic kidney stones.
… and that is how I found out about Young Living’s Medical Grade Essential Oils.
Since then I have tried other oils with amazingly similar results.
Eucalyptus Blue… 1 drop continues to eliminate the pain the comes with my chronic kidney stones. However, this weekend I applied some with olive oil on my daughter’s chest and back and within minutes her croupy cough subsided and she was sound asleep for the first time in 2 weeks.
Thieves… Said to have anti-viral, antiseptic properties... Weber State University (Ogden, UT – 1997) studies showed anti-bacterial effectiveness against airborne microorganisms. Like I said, my daughter has been pretty sick for the past 2 weeks; fever, croupy cough, aches, pains, ear ache, etc. After 3 applications of thieves on her feet, she was up and walking about… slowly, but was up nonetheless. Oh, and this morning I ran out of laundry soap… we already had those magnets you can put in your washer, so I used those with a drop of the Thieves oil and ‘wa-la’… clean nice smelling clothes without the use of harsh chemicals. Have to love it!!
Peppermint… We have used for indigestion, muscle pain after falling on the ice, and for mental alertness.
Lavender… 1 drop on a cotton ball put in our daughter’s bedroom and she is asleep within 30 minutes. This is our ASD child that has had chronic sleep issues since birth!! We have also used this one for muscle aches and ear aches.
Peace and Calming… 1 drop on a cotton ball in the Master Bedroom melts away the stress of the day for myself and hubby. Have also used this over the liver (Blue Tansy is said to cleanse the liver.)
Valor… A few drops mixed with olive oil rubbed along the spine is fantastic… they don’t call it a chiropractor in a bottle for nothing… love love love this one. I have also used this one for grounding myself before reiki sessions and for self-confidence building for myself and children.
So, these are the testimonies I have so far in my own household… I plan to document more on this blog as we explore more. In fact, I am so excited about the outcomes that I have signed up to be a distributor… but be sure that that isn’t because I am looking for a quick buck… this product line is exceptional and meets my standards and ethics.
Oh, and about that autism protocol… I haven’t done anything with it yet, but am still looking into it. One of my concerns was that Sahara doesn’t like to get wet (sensory issues), but I have found that putting the oil on a cotton ball or on her feet works well. I am going to a class this week to hear a mom talk about what oils she used successfully with her ASD child… I will let you know what I find out on another post.
In the meantime, if you are interested in learning more visit http://www.youngliving.com . If you decide you would like to place an order, would you be so kindly to reference my number 1183617
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