Three families (of more than 5300 who have filed a court claim to prove that childhood vaccines caused their children's autism) had their day in court. Last week The US Court of Federal Claims ruled that the Vaccines did not cause the Autism. The cases were ruled by three federal judges who work for the government's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).
- Denise Vowell, a former U.S. Army chief trial judge
- Patricia Campbell-Smith, a former environmental lawyer and clerk at the Federal Claims Court
- George Hastings, a former tax claims expert
Each judge separately ruled against the defense that autism is directly linked to vaccine injury. The outcome is a victory to the pro-vaccine community, but may bring undue ridicule and criticism to the families living with autism.
After reading several articles on the court ruling, several things stand out to me. The first is that the three judges all work for the government's VICP. Does not anyone else recognize this as a conflict of interest?
Secondly, the Secretary Of Health and Human Services was named the formal respondent in each case. Another conflict of interest?
Lastly, if there is no correlation between autism and vaccines, why IS there a Vaccine Injury Compensation Program? No article mentioned that by August 1997, just 11 years after the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act was passed, that the United States government compensated $800 million to parents of vaccine damaged children or to parents whose children died as a direct result of vaccine injections. These families witnessed their healthy children go in for a wellness checkup with a routine innoculation, and regress into the condition of autism. Many suggest this is a coincidence... Really? 1 out of 132 kids is a coincidence?
The VICP states that there are 5,152 cases in the Autism Omnibus Trial awaiting adjudication. Some families have withdrawn there filings possibly filing claims against the manufacturers and some have been dismissed because of the statue of limitations.
In the mean time, do your own research.
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