I have come to understand there are 2 different cultures of moms in the month of May... the moms counting down til summer break just so they can count down til school starts AND the moms who are in the midst of IEP-season. No judgement.... just keenly aware of the differences right now.
I used to be in the first culture (minus the countdown for school starting – I always dreaded seeing that big yellow bus pulling up to take my children away.) But once apon a time, May was the time of year to make summer plans and get all excited about the unlimited fun possibilities masked as summer vacation... I miss the simplicity of that lifestyle.
But that is in the past... now, I dread May (not really I love May, but I do dread IEP season). The awkward red tape that is surrounding our special children's education is very irritating to me... let’s face it the IEP really is a bullshit document. You never get what you think your child needs and the services never seem to be quite enough. And the teachers always say they are helpless while the people in suits sitting behind desks in a cozy building making 6 digits are really calling the shots.
I often wonder if they took pay-cuts, could our children get the services they deserve? This isn't a matter of whether or not a child will go to prom (and I guess sometimes it is), but their education really is about their future.... their life and potential. I suppose, as an administrator, it is easy to clock in, do your job and clock out. But for us parents it is a 24/7 lifetime commitment.
A commitment to a child... not a number, a name or a budget... but the living, breathing human being who has unlimited possibilities if given the proper support and tools. It shouldn't have to be this hard to secure our children a free appropriate education (or therapy, but that is another blog entry).
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