How much DNA do you have? Well... of course your answer is 100%. Now, the less obvious question is how much DNA does the average human being use? You may be surprised to learn that science has determined that we use a mere 25%! This has baffled the science community for some time now.
However, did you know that when you experience negative emotions (hate, fear, resentment, anger, jealousy, etc.) that the DNA actually gets wound tighter and we use even less? Yes, our DNA potential decreases when we are experiencing negative emotions.
Now on the flip side when we experience positive emotions (love, gratitude, joy, excitement, peace, etc.) our DNA unwinds a bit and we actually tap into additional DNA that the average person typically does not utilize.
We know that DNA has a direct effect on all of life. Right? And we know that light (energy) makes up 99.99999% of all we experience in this life. Everything IS energy, some just vibrates slower than others making them appear solid and tangible.
When Scientists put DNA into a vacuum test tube with just “light” the light photons formed into the DNA strands, when the DNA was removed…. Get a load of this- the photons of light actually stayed in the formation of the DNA after it was removed.
So consider this… wherever we are, whatever we are doing, thinking, saying, or being leaves an imprint of our DNA in the universe. This is science not theory… proven by physicists. If we leave an imprint everywhere we go, wouldn’t we want it to be the imprint of positive emotions and our true DNA potential?
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