My husband was downsized in October. If you haven't heard, the employment front is not a positive outlook these days. Since there are hundreds (literally) applying for the same job, the employers have raised the bar on expectations and credentials. Being able to cherry pick every candidate that is chosen to actually come in through the door for an interview has left many frustrated and dependent on unemployment benefits.
Families, like ours, are struggling across America. Since I currently stay home with the children and head my daughter's treatment for a diagnosis of autism, we have been left without insurance. When Cobra was offered to us it seemed unreasonable, yet alone unattainable when we were going to be surviving on unemployment. Frankly, we hadn't used medical services for ourselves in the past 15 years, so we were not concerned much. We would continue taking care of ourselves as we have and hold out until he found another J-O-B that would offer benefits.... but of course Murphy's Law must rear its ugly head in desperate times...
Eleven days ago I was walking through the house when I suddenly had a sharp pain in my back. I initially thought that it must be a tight muscle from laying on the couch for the past two days with a head-cold.... until I ended up rolling on the bed with pain as intense as back labor pains!! When the words, "Call an ambulance!" flew from my mouth the instant expression on my husband's face said it all. Certainly, if I was asking for medical intervention it must be serious... then I saw the wheels turn and he started to pace, "We have no insurance.... F@#K!!"
...Yes, hundreds of thousands invested into the health care system and we were left facing a crisis with nothing!
As soon as the paramedic saw me, he uttered the dreaded words, "Kidney stones." Being the overachiever that I am, my body tried to rid 3 stones at once with a 6 millimeter one heading the way causing a blockage in my ureter. The CAT scan uncovered that I had another 5 stones in the kidney ranging from 2-8 millimeters.
Two days later I was in surgery, but not after we had to fork up a $5oo deposit to secure our slot on the schedule, "This is the generous self-pay option we offer." Generous for who? Certainly the Hippocratic Oath did not mean much in the private sector. (Did you know that most medical schools do not even require this oath?) Not seeing any other option we paid the money to have the urologist put in a stent to push the stone back into the kidney and to open the kidney and bladder to allow the urine to flow without obstruction.
Several days later the Kidney Stone Center called to pre-register me for Ultrasonic Lithotripsy; the use of high frequency sound waves to pulverize the stones. Of course we had to tell them we didn't have insurance. The pause on the phone followed by the statement, "Oh, you're a self pay... you need to talk with Verina," created a cringe in me. Why was I so embarrassed??? It wasn't like we eagerly volunteered to have my husband downsized in the middle of a suppression nor did we sign up for me to stay home because of the elephant in America's front room called Autism.
The financial advisor reassured me we didn't need the whole $7170 up front.... but, that isn't what was bothering me. It was the thought of accuring another debt and feeling responsible for this financial burden my family was facing. I felt so incredibly guilty... didn't I take care of myself good enough? I had this incredible sense of blame about these darn stones in my kidney...
I still have 2 days to go until the lithotripsy and will have to keep the stent in for an undetermined amount of time to prevent obstruction. Honestly, the various medications that I have been on frighten me more than any of the procedures. Having had a clean system for 15 years, I am sure my body is freaking out about the differing chemicals surging through me. So, I guess I will be doing that liver and/or body cleanse I have been putting off sooner than later.
Of course, I have researched kidney stones, natural cures and the like. The obvious finding is that I should be drinking, yet, even more water than I do. Mineralized water should be drank moderately as it contains calcium. Cranberry juice is another fluid that will help clean out the kidneys.
Some of the recommendations are steps we have already taken to improve our health; reduce sugar, soda, caffeine, alcohol, and refined foods. It is also recommended that you avoid animal byproducts, dairy, cheese and oxalate containing foods (beets, spinach, nuts, black tea, chocolate, beans, and strawberries). Oxlalate foods will be hard for me to eliminate as I love all of the items on the list!
Alternative health options always improve the function of the body, which might be why my body decided to attempt to excrete these stones in the first place. Accupuncture, chiropractic, reflexology, massage, reiki and meditation are all modalities that have reported beneficial health benefits.
For now, I have reduced the meds down to the smallest amount I can tolerate and still have the pain manageable, the children are pretty calm considering they are completely out of their routine and my husband is still holding strong even though I am sure he is on the brink of exhaustion. However, I presume this, too, will pass (no pun intended).
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