Black Friday seems to contradict what ‘The Holiday Season’ is all about.
So, today I sit cozy and warm with my children while sipping hot tea and reflecting...
Over the past 6 years, I have learned to never take anything for granted… and that includes Christmas morning.
When you have a child who cannot comprehend why you allow a strange man in a costume come into your home in the middle of the night while you sleep OR have another child who is so catatonic that she cannot even open her own gifts… you have no choice but to recreate what the Holidays mean to you.
((For us, Commercialization and Idealization is far from the equation.))
Many of my own expectations have been calmed and put into perspective. I have surrendered “The Beaver Cleaver” Holiday to old re-runs… instead we have learned to make do with what we have and appreciate the little things. The most important thing (and this may seem cliche but it is true) is that we are together and offer unconditional love to one another.
I cringe when I think of the children exposed to too much commercialization at the holiday... and what message that sends to their expectations and sense of self. So, instead of Christmas Barbies and Gameboys... we construct homemade gifts. And instead of Reindeer and Santa cookies (loaded with artificial dyes and colors), we make a birthday cake and sing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus on Christmas Day.
I wish such simplicity to all families. To be in the moment of togetherness and pure unadulterated joy!! As we enter the Holiday Season, I suggest that you pause and allow ease into your life!! This alone could be the greatest gift you give to your child or loved ones... a more balanced you!!
Having said all of that, I know that my readers may still like a good deal for Black Friday... and the business woman in me will honor each of you too!! So, I am offering discounted gift certificates between now and Dec. 31 for my Energy / Meditation Work for Adults and Children. What better gift to give than something that will soothe the body, mind and spirit!

Adults Sessions ~ 60 minutes for $30 (50% Savings!)
Children Sessions ~ 30 Minutes for $15 (50% Savings!)
Distance Reiki Sessions ~ $5 (A Crazy Low Price for all of my friends who tell me all of the time, 'I wish you were in my town, country or village') J
All you have to do is make a payment via Pay Pal referencing my personal email account: ladysusan@sbcglobal.net
Then I will contact you via email to schedule your session and/or to confirm who is receiving the gift certificate and where to mail it… Yes, this is a great gift to give to your loved ones and friends…Energy based work promotes relaxation and reduces stress allowing the body’s innate intelligence to express itself and heal from the inside out. Doesn't that sound better than the re-gifted item that no one wants?
Who do you know that could benefit from an hour of “ME-time”? Or has a child that could benefit from the energy balancing?
Happy Holidays to you and yours!! May you each find simplicity in this season!!
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