Dear Cynthia,
I wanted to personally thank you for your willingness to participate in our efforts to reverse our daughter’s diagnosis of autism. What follows is my testimony to some of the observations that I have witnessed over the past 4 weeks, including her baseline prior to our healing sessions.
Sahara is a 4 ½ year old girl who has exhibited marked developmental delays in the physical, social, and cognitive abilities. She was formally diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder this past fall, with symptoms presenting themselves around 5 months of age. We understand the spectrum encompasses a wide range of behaviors, but never really felt that she fit the classic autism etiology. We have sought mainstream and alternative means in addressing her symptoms, with slow steady progression. Some therapies have included speech, occupational therapy, chiropractic care, parent facilitated floor-time, specialized diets, and picture exchange communication systems.
At the time of contacting you Sahara spoke in mostly one word expressions and had memorized rote phrases. Sahara ate non-food items like toilet paper, paper and string. She had a limited source of food in which she readily consumed and seemed to benefit from the gluten free, casein free diet. We just found out that she had a chromosome deletion on 4q.13.1 which was reported as a silent gene by the neurologist, but the internet was full of correlation with this deletion and speech delays and autism. Believing in the power of prayer and intention, we consciously decided that it was possible for this chromosome deletion to heal and be complete.
That is what prompted us to contact you. We set specific goals and intentions for our daughter’s healing focusing on perfect DNA and chromosomal structures, improved socialization and interactions with others including speaking in English at an age appropriate (or better) manner, improved fine motor skills at age appropriate (or better) level, digesting and assimilating food easily and naturally while choosing nutritious food items to eat and ignoring non-food items, recognizing them as inedible.
During the weeks that we worked together on these set goals, we observed improvements weekly in most of these areas. After the first session, we noticed that Sahara’s vocabulary not only increased, but she seemed to be able to use more phrases as well. She almost immediately started to have more receptive language. For instance, on one occasion she said, “Mommy look, come on this way.”
Just two weeks into our sessions she went to the kitchen, opened the freezer, and said, ‘Where are you?’ (A memorized route phrase she has consistently used). But, she closed the door and went to her picture communication board and pointed to the picture for ‘shopping’. I asked her “You want me to go shopping?” And she replied, “Yes, ice cream.”
WOW… she was able to communicate that she wanted ice cream and that I needed to go to the grocery store to get it for her. Although she has been able to request certain activities or items through the picture communication or by using one word statements, I was amazed that she was able to formally tell me to go shopping and get the ice cream!
During these past few weeks Sahara has shown a greater interest in the people around her, including peers. She seemed to want to join in on activities rather than parallel play. She also initiated interactions more readily. One example of this would be when her father, sister, and I were sitting at the kitchen table. Sahara came over and thoughtfully said, ‘circle’ and initiated a fun game of ‘Ring around the Rosie’. It was an awesome family moment initiated by Sahara.
Sahara’s fine motor skills have improved as well. Just yesterday she wrote her name free-hand and put all the letters in the proper position. She also was able to make a good circle and triangle. Although, her square had rounded corners, it was the best one I’ve seen.
There was one week after we concentrated on her eating issues that Sahara seemed to eat a larger variety of foods. And although that included dairy products, she continued to progress in all other areas. This past week, however, she seems to have reverted to what we call ‘fasting’ and continued to consume non-food items and refused to eat foods based on texture and familiarity. Our hope is that her body will heal enough that she will be able to consume a healthy variety of foods including GFCF foods without regression.
The most impactful experience of this process was during our first session when you had me go back to the womb and speak with her when she was just a zygote. Beyond resetting the intention for perfect creation and replication of her cells, I recognize the impact of this experience on my participation in her healing process.
As a mother of a child with a disability you inevitably go through the stages of grief. I recognize that I have held onto some enormous feelings of self-blame and guilt about what I did or didn’t do during her pregnancy that could have or not have contributed to her delays. However, going back into my uterus, and facing her (as she was replicating) was so powerful!
I found myself apologizing for specific circumstances I was faced with during her early pregnancy. I found myself blessing her and shielding her with pure light. I was, then, able to release and relinquish the many unfounded feelings of guilt. I felt a complete shift in my essence after that session and a sense of relief that she could energetically, physically, and emotionally be just as she should be in this moment.
I think this session set the stage for a beautiful opportunity for healing. I have over the past few weeks been able to reframe my reactions during frustrating situations and hold a more peaceful image of the desired, appropriate behavior. I have also noticed that I have been able to formulate new avenues towards addressing her issues and have become more creative in implementing situations that foster growth.
I thank you for this wonderful opportunity to create a sound healing opportunity for my daughter while honoring her essense. I feel that the work we have done has cleared many energy patterns that will allow for other therapies and healing modalities to be more effective.
I, without hesitation, highly recommend your work for any individual and family experiencing autism spectrum disorder or related syndromes.
Click here to contact Cynthia.
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