The Power of Intention – Gift Edition
Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way
By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
I was first introduced to Dr. Wayne Dyer many years ago through his public television broadcast of The Power of Intention. I found Dr. Dyer to be articulate, heart centered, peaceful and charming as he thoughtfully spoke his words, “Intention is a force in the universe, and everything and everyone is connected to this invisible force.”
My life was instantly transformed as I integrated The Power of Intention into my own personal life. Specifically, The Seven Faces of Intention impacted my daily actions and thoughts, fostering great change within me— Creativity, Kindness, Love, Beauty, Expansiveness, Abundance and Receptivity. These are powerful concepts that can create profound shifts for anyone when mindfully implemented.
As I re-read the 2010 gift edition of this unparalleled work, those seven concepts elicited a feeling of peace and harmony within the core of my being. I became aware of how much over the years I unconsciously integrated these Faces Of Intention into my own personal daily practices. In particular, I began to distinguish how much Dr. Dyer’s work had influenced my style of mothering…. I keenly became aware of the way in which I intended opportunities, growth, expansion and health within my young children’s lives and how I have taught them core life values through The Power of Intention.
As I continue to nurture these concepts and values with my young children, I understand that they are receiving an extraordinary gift and a means to manifest and cultivate a purposeful life; unlocking a power within them to have control over their unknown futures. I enthusiastically recognize that The Source of creation is alive and expressing itself through these dynamic children, not just mine… but through all children.
I believe the most profound outcome I have experienced with The Power of Intention is in the realm of my perception of what it means to be a special needs mother. When my youngest daughter was diagnosed with infantile autism at age 4 ½ we had a difficult choice... We could either blindly accept the diagnosing psychologist’s perspective of our daughter having a future full of great difficulty OR create a life of unlimited potential and opportunity for her.
At the time of the diagnosis, my husband and I were told that our little girl would never to go college, work or live independently; that she would have immense limitations put on her level of socialization; and that her life would include no option for marriage nor children of her own. As if that wasn’t bad enough, we were told to prepare for a long complicated road ahead of us and to start making plans for a future that was certain to include group homes and a life time of non-verbal communication.
Alone and full of raw emotion, I cried for days about her uncertain future. Then on the third morning, during a meditation I had an epiphany… My daughter was exceptional beyond any label or prognosis forced upon her. This meant I was about to relinquish the perspective of the psychologist AND set into motion my own intentions about the magnificent fulfilling life she inherently deserved.
I immediately began meditating on the things I intended for my daughter… to find her way out of catatonia, to develop verbal communication, to long for touch, to socialize, to play with her older sister, to enter mainstream public education, etc… I began to see her doing these things in my meditations, I focused on the feelings of elation when I witnessed her tiny milestones, and I began to treat her as if she was exceptional beyond the label of autism… a perfect creation through God.
I expected miracles…. And we got them!
The invitation to review The Power of Intention presented itself at the perfect time in our lives. It has served as a gentle reminder of how powerful we all are and how all of our possibilities already reside within us. It has jogged my memory that there are no physical limitations. It has evoked gratitude about a time that I was rendered helpless… and how The Power of Intention turned our lives around in order to discover our daughter being an absolute expression of life!
Dr. Dyer has offered us effective tools to use along our personal journey; tools that have empowered us to not aim at curing our daughter of autism, but to soften the challenges that she experiences so that she may have a fantastic life of her choosing. Our shift in thought has opened the door to infinite opportunities for both of our children and selves.
The Power of Intention, Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way is a perfect read for not only parents of special children, but for anyone seeking change in their lives. Dr. Dyer offers specific tasks and steps to take to unleash the power within you to create that which you desire. Keep in mind, this isn’t a how to recipe style book, rather it is a unique piece of literature that guides you to look at life differently and to open yourself to take an active role in what you kind of life you have.
The Power of Intention is saturated with facts about this energy behind our thoughts and actions. In particular, the summarization of the 29 year research of Dr. David Hawkins is instrumental in the realization that this unseen vibrational force is the frequency that impacts and gives life to everything… including our thoughts, actions, and…. intentions.
Dr. Dyer does more than present these facts and ideas to us, he paints a unique picture through stories and quotes from poets, philosophers and modern day teachers. This collection of words illustrates to us the power of our thought, words and intent; that we can and do have the power within us that can create that which we desire. Dr. Dryer helps us realize that we can have an active role in what takes place in our lives.
Uniquely designed, each page brings the sensation of The Source alive through brilliant bursts of colors and inspirational art. This stunningly beautiful version of Dr. Dyer’s work serves as an excellent addition to your own personal collection or as a thoughtful gift to a loved one.
“Dr. Wayne W. Dyer is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He is the author of more than 30 books, has created numerous audio programs and videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. www.DrWayneDyer.com”
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