Getting Into The Vortex
Guided Meditations CD and User Guide
By Esther and Jerry Hicks
Let me introduce you to Abraham.
The first thing you need to understand is that Abraham isn’t a person. Yes, that is correct, Abraham is not a person. Abraham is what Esther Hicks accesses while inspiring and motivating others to live a more balanced life through the Law of Attraction. Abraham is an energy source that has had many different labels throughout the ages. To Esther, Abraham is the vehicle in which she creates inspiration, hope and opportunity for all who participate in these teachings.
I am certain some will see this as hocus pocus, new age, metaphysical or possibly even blasphemous. However, I believe that none of that is accurate. In fact, I have found the teachings of Abraham to reinforce my relationship with and trust in God. If you look beyond the manner in which Esther presents her information … the messages that are left are consistently based in The Ultimate Vibrations of love, peace, joy and harmony.
In a time when the world is full of hate, disease, war and economic hardships this is an important message for all to hear.
And to keep in alignment with Alterna-Mom’s message, in a time when our children are experiencing challenges academically, emotionally, physically, and cognitively at an all time high, this is the perfect message to elicit strength and personal empowerment for mainstream parents.
Abraham offers hope and inspiration. Abraham teaches us how to get into a ‘place’ in which we can tap into our true potential and manifest solutions to our challenges. Abraham calls this place The Vortex. The Vortex is simply a meditative state in which we can find solutions to the difficulties in our lives. This isn’t a magical place or a placebo effect, but a meditative discipline in which the solutions can and often do surface.
In the teaching of Abraham, The Vortex is the place in which all things are created… in Christianity, we call this place prayer.
Abraham states that it is not necessary to meditate for more than 15 minutes per day. In fact, they say life is about living, not contemplating about living… and so Abraham has presented us with an effective tool, Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditations CD and User Guide, to teach us how to efficiently meditate and get into this Vortex where intention and creation occur.
In the Guided Meditations CD, Esther’s voice gently carries you through the meditations. Her voice is calm and soothing; eliciting an instant relaxation. Your breath seems to lose itself into the rhythm of the background music… ebbing in and out. Abraham tells us that this is the most important result of this tool; sitting still for 15 minutes a day allowing our breath to match the rhythm of the music on this CD. We do not have to understand what is being said. In fact, we do not have to alter anything in our daily routines, but to find time to be still and breathe.
The most prominent words to me throughout the Getting Into The Vortex CD is “Breathe in, Breathe out.”
In fact, since using this CD, I find myself saying these four words, “Breathe in, Breathe out,” often over my internal chatter during challenging moments. With that, I am able to easily re-center myself through the simple act of consciously breathing. It is in this connection that I remember “who-I-really-am” and remember to release control over many things I have no control over.
There are four tracks on this CD that can empower your life:
- General Well Being Meditation
- Financial Well Being Meditation
- Physical Well Being Meditation
- Relationship Well Being Meditation
Each is unique in verse, yet a similar presentation. I felt that this consistency allowed me to relax more quickly regardless of the track I was listening to. I also have found this to be a perfect way to incorporate meditation into your child’s life. Simply play the CD in the background while your child is playing, bathing or resting and observe subtle changes in the child’s Well Being.
If you are the left brain thinker (like me) that must know what each phrase means and how those words can educe profound change in your life, the User Guide will be a delightful reference book for you. This guide offers clarity. Abraham has elaborated on each phrase in this guide so that everyone can have a deeper understanding to what is being said and intended in this meditative tool.
If you are interested in learning more about Abraham, Esther and Jerry Hicks, or The Vortex, I suggest you look at the links below. This is a very powerful tool for your whole family to achieve all the benefits of basic meditation and much more!
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