This past weekend I was eager to read Dr. Mercola's article, Most Common Source of Calories in U.S. is LOADED With Mercury. The article revealed that High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is laced with mercury through the use of caustic soda while separating the corn kernel from the corn starch.
The more I contemplated this, the more I recognized madness! I remembered how after watching KING CORN (which illustrates the use caustic acid) that we began to eliminate HFCS from our consumption. During this process we realized that this cheap sweetener was in most processed foods on the market today. The average adult American consumes 48 grams of HFCS per day.
According to Mercola, this study found that there was 0.005 to 0.570 micrograms mercury per gram of HFCS. If you do the math you will see that the average American adult consumes enough HFCS to expose them to 0.24 to 27.36 micrograms of mercury per day. Now, consider an expectant mother, she will consume over a 40 week gestation as much as 1,094 micrograms of mercury just through her consumption of HFCS. What effects do you think that has on her developing baby?
If you look at my specific situation, not only did I consume foods containing HFCS, but I also received 2 Rho-Gam shots laced with mercury (a vaccine designed for expectant mothers who lack the protein rhesus-negative in their blood). We regretfully did not research the RhoGam inoculation. I received these injections subjecting my daughter to massive amounts of thimerosal while her brain and nervous system was developing during gestation.
We will never know whether or not this assault against our daughter’s developing body caused her autism, however we acknowledge that it most certainly contributed to the condition. As did the consumption of not only tuna and salmon regularly during pregnancy, but also the consumption of many convenient products containing HFCS (breads, ice cream, crackers, restaurant food, ect.). Not to mention that I have 8 amalgam fillings. Needless to say, I had toxic levels of mercury in my system during her pregnancy.
There are also No efficacy studies looking at the effects of maternal vaccinations with fetal development. I think autism is a result of vaccinations, pesticides, artificial ingredients in our foods, energetic chaos in our environment, and, now, HFCS. To me this article only adds to the autism-mercury debate.
The most recent stats I have seen state that 1 out of 132 children have autism spectrum disorder. When I was my daughter's age 4 out of 10,000 kids had this developmental disorder. What has caused such a rapid increase in 30 years? It is time that we as a nation start taking responsibility and start eliminating these known sources of toxins.
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