I have decided to start blogging in order to reach out to others and educate them about things that seem so obvious to me, but not to others. For instance, did you know there is a crisis occurring in America? No it has nothing to do directly with the current condition of our economy. But worse, it does have to do with our children.
Our children are becoming more sick, disconnected and violent than ever before in our history. At alarming numbers they are being diagnosed with autism, ADHD, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, and the list goes on. Instead of doing something about this, infrastructures are masking it and cashing in. Have you ever wondered what would happen if we started finding cures for these health crisis's?
I remember vividly in the 7th grade my English Lit teacher telling my class they were on the verge of finding a cure for cancer. Now, it is 25 years later and the condition of cancer continues to claim lives daily. What would happen if a cure was discovered? A more intense economic resession would be occuring. Why? Think about all of the Oncologists, Radiologists, Nurses, Doctors, Pharmacists, Janitors, Receptionists, Lab Workers, Nutritionists, Ect. that depend upon the cancer industry. I propose that it would cost us far too much in dollars and jobs than the people in charge are willing to pay.
When my dad died of pancreatic cancer in 1996 I realized that this system was not as it seemed. I, in turn, became proactive in my health -- physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Now that I am a mom I am even more vigilant about our daily habits and mindful about what we put in and on our bodies. I challenge others to become more proactive in their health and the health of their children!
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