Be still... How many parents find this statement challenging to embrace?
Let’s face it; on any given day the last thing we are thinking about is being still. We have a laundry list of things to do longer than the Dead Sea Scrolls with lunches to pack, socks to sort, special dinners to prepare, extracurricular activities to organize, arguments to mediate....
However, I suggest that if you just took 10 - 30 minutes a day to “be still” and quiet your mind that you would better equipped to face the day. The benefits of meditation are unlimited and with no special equipment or space needed it is easy to begin.
- Increases sense of peace
- Decreases Fatigue
- Normalizes Blood Pressure
- Reduces Anxiety
- Decreases Muscle Tension and Headaches
- Builds Self-Confidence
- Increases Serotonin Production which Influences Mood and Behavior
- Helps in Chronic Diseases like Allergies , Arthritis etc.
- Reduces Pre- Menstrual Syndrome
- Enhances the Immune System
- Reduces Emotional Distress
- Increases Self Discovery
I recently asked a friend for some recommended tools for meditation. She suggested that I needed rest more than to meditate. As I explored my options, I found that resting WAS my meditation. It was in the act of resting and quieting my mind that I was able to “Be still”.
In the act of “Being Still” I was able to recharge my drained batteries and then return to the life of mindful parenting.
In the act of “Being Still” you too can turn off the some 65,000 thoughts we have each day and be with yourself in a space that heals, regenerates, and creates.
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