The best water of choice is artesian— complete with salts and minerals of the earth.
Lourdes (natural artesian water from France) is considered a miraculous water source and widely recognized as Holy Water among Catholics. This Holy Water has been known to cure sicknesses… I assume this is in relation to artesian water having all the electrolytes the body needs to maintain health. The chemical compounds of artesian water are most conducive with the chemistry of the human body. No wonder it is deemed miraculous.
However, when you are on a budget (and most families these days are), artesian water can be costly. If you ordered Lourdes water online it would cost approximately $132 per 1 1/3 gallon! (OUCH!)
Other artesian water sources that most people are familiar with are Fiji, Evian, and Perrier. You can expect to pay well over $1.00 for a 12 ounce bottle. However, some may argue that obtaining clean water with all the vital electrolytes necessary for the human body may be worth the extra cost.
We consume, as a family of four ,over 15 gallons of drinking water per week. That is over $150 per month just for water… again, if you are on a budget, this is difficult to manage.
If you opt out of the artesian water industry and go for spring water you can expect to pay near $1.00 per gallon. Although, that seems to be a more reasonable price, I do not think you are paying for quality. In order for a label to read ‘spring water’ it only needs to contain 10% spring water. As for the other 90% my best guess is it is probably from a municipal source.
But, even if you make this compromise you are still spending nearly $60 per month for 10% spring water. You end up paying 100% more than the water is really worth. If you read some labels closely the will even say ‘from a municipal source’. In this instance, you end up paying almost $.75 per gallon for something you could get straight from the tap. (That doesn’t make logical sense.)
While depriving the body of the essential electrolytes found naturally in the water extracted from deep within the earth, we compromise our health. Is that really worth it? I cannot answer that question for you— that is a personal decision you will need to make. I do know that in our current economy many families are faced with financial cut backs and unfortunately sometimes that means eliminating things that are good for us.
Another option is to purchase a filtration system for your home. This will purify the water from harsh chemicals like Chlorine which is commonly found in home drinking water. When we moved into our current home, we went from well water to city water. I was astonished that our water straight from the tap smelled like a pool.
Your body absorbs during a 10-15 minute shower the same amount of chlorine you would consume in 8 – 8 ounce glasses of city water. Prolonged exposure to chlorine has been said to cause skin and eye irritation, lung disease, and even cancer.
Other contaminants removed through a filtration system are mercury, lead, and pesticides. Although a whole house filtration system is ideal it, too, can be costly— costing thousands of dollars. A quick cool shower is the best way to reduce toxic exposure without a filteration system.
A filter on the kitchen faucet or even a Britta Picture Filteration System can be well worth the investment. You can economically purchase a 10 cup picture for $21.99 after a $10 coupon from Bed Bath and Beyond. Each filter is good for 100 gallons and is less than $8.00 to replace. With the cost of city water averaging .02 cents per gallon our family can safely consume and cook with filtered water for $1.20 per month plus filter costs.
I am currently looking into how to replace those electrolytes we are missing from true artisian water. I am sure that maybe even supplementing this charcoal filtered water with a bottle of Evian would help... But this seems to be the best economic choice and a step in the right direction towards clean drinking water.
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