This is HUGE!!!
Sahara counted out 5 Hershey bars at the store (ignore that I let her eat candy bars).
So 1 was thrown away because it melted in the car and 1 was eaten in the store while shopping ... she pulled out the remaining 3 just now at home and counted them and said, "1,2,3.... no 4, 5... where 5? Oh No. Where'd it go?"
Yes, that would be my girl doing MATH!!!!
Tears of Joy Here!
That would be the same kid that was catatonic a year ago and the same kid they said couldn't count 3 months ago and, yes, the same kid they said would never be unable to live, work or socialize independently...
Busting through the stigma people!! If you don't believe in energy work and the power of intention and maternal love I am here to tell you it works! Don't let anyone tell you your kids can't do anything... and if they do... prove them wrong!! Sahara you Rock, Little Miss!! You are my greatest teacher!!
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