A Course in Weight Loss
21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever
By Marianne Williamson
Our body image… or rather our perception of our body image can be fundamental in the development of positive self-imagery within our children and teens. It is vital for us to model not only a positive sense of self, but to work through the emotions, traumas and experiences that might have contributed to our weight gain. This process will unleash the opportunity to mirror to our children solid foundations for a healthy imagery of their own.
I am not suggesting going on a diet and making positive affirmations in the mirror every morning. Besides the concept of a ‘diet’ being a charged utterance triggering emotional responses, ‘diet’ also implies a magic bullet that when combined with unnerving willpower, can get you to your desired weight; leaving you with the faulty expectation that the issue is resolved prompting you to return to your former lifestyle without further action… setting us up for huge disappointment and often failure… only further compacting the psyche of ourselves (and our kids) around body image.
I suggest a new refreshing approach… one that will lovingly persuade you to go introspective into the heart of your real weight issues: Marianne Williamson’s A Course in Weight Loss ~ 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever. This is not a quick fix program. In fact, I venture to say that this program that must be done full-heartedly and precisely as Williamson presents it in order to obtain all of the growth and benefits that it suggests.
Without hesitation, I will firmly adhere to the stance that if you mindfully work through Williamson’s lessons addressing the physical and emotional issues residing within you, you most certainly will obtain true optimum health; a balance of physical, emotional and spiritual expressions of the self … which is really the goal right? And as you obtain this definition of true optimum health, you will be well on your way to your desired weight and physical goals without scales, diets and intense exercise regiments.
In Marianne Williamson’s A Course in Weight Loss, she not only addresses our self image and emotional experiences around our weight, but interlaces a deeper healing tool; 21 spiritual lessons that are intimate to the root of your weight issues. As we heal on this spiritual level, our pain which has been encoded on a cellular level is released. This is when and where true healing takes place.
Like Williamson, I believe that our life experiences can be held in the energetic essence and cells of our bodies which then manifests our physical form. As I explored her 21 spiritual lessons, I found myself facing life experiences that undoubtedly resulted in my weight gain. I inadvertently unveiled parts of me that had been dormant within my core for decades that had originated before being overweight was an issue... in fact, they stemmed from when I was dramatically underweight. All in which most certainly contributed to my current self-image.
You can explore these concepts at your own pace; discovering and growing beyond your weight issues… while uncovering the defenses that have unconsciously masked your pain as unwanted pounds. As you venture through this process you will begin to Remember who you really are… a spiritual being, perfect in the eyes of God and deserving of the ideal body you desire.
At the end of each lesson, Williamson presents a reflection and prayer. I believe this is the where the ultimate transformation really takes place. After the sometimes raw self-exploration is complete, you find yourself sitting in silence mirroring your true self stripped of the labels, expectations, defenses and manifestations of your life circumstances. It is in this moment of the lesson that you embrace the authentic you which allows real change to occur.
As we obtain our ideal weight and heal from our past wounds, we provide our children with healthy self-imagery. And it is in our positive sense of self that we can create within them unlimited opportunities to embrace healthy choices and processing of their life circumstances.
“Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed lecturer and the best-seller author of numerous books. To learn more about her work, and to join her e-mail list for notices regarding her lectures and events, visit her website: www.marianne.com.”
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