Sahara has always had a great sense of humor. Even when she was in the womb the midwives heard two distinct heart beats. My husband I heard them too…. We all sat their stupefied that we just might me carrying twins. However, after the ultrasound concluded there was only one baby in there we laughed for weeks that this child was going to be the comedian of the family.
Last night proved us right….
We were delighted when she actually joined us for dinner and ate, but the best was yet to come. When she finished eating she looked directly into my eyes and let out the biggest belch I have ever heard come out of a little girl. I know as mothers we are supposed to contain ourselves when redirecting our children, but I admit I snickered before saying, "Say excuse me."
Okay, maybe I was not the mother of the year last night… when her attempt to say ‘excuse me’ came out ‘oopsey’ I laughed out loud as Daddy gave me the quick glance over his glasses that I was not handling this appropriately. (He is much better at going behind the closed door to laugh in these situations.)
Sahara clearly recognized that she has not only had me on the verge of tears, but her sister laughing out loud and Daddy sneering at Mommy as well. So… she takes another drink of water and pounds on her chest and yep…
This time I snorted and her sister about fell off her chair from the hilarity of the situation. Daddy turned to her and said, "Sahara, this is not funny. We do not burp at the dinner table. Now, say excuse me."
"BBBBBUUUURRRRPPPP!!!! Oopsey, Daddy!"
I don’t know how he kept it together to say, "Sahara…"
She wouldn’t stop and I couldn’t stop laughing. I had tears rolling down my checks. I suppose in hindsight that maybe they weren’t just tears of laughter… you know the ones that come when you are laughing so hard that you can’t stop. But, maybe tears of joy that this wonderful child was interacting with us and able to read the cues of everyone around her.
It is exhilliarating to see the fog lifting and witness the expression of life coming alive before your very own eyes!
(...and frankly, she was funny!)
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