A dear friend of mine initiated a challenge to her friends on facebook; consciously being positive until the end of the month. No bitching, no complaining, no gossiping, no criticizing, no negative self talk….simply having positive thoughts, actions, and words until the end of the month.
Today was day 2 for me; and I made it through a brief phone call with Jim’s former employer, shopping at wal-mart, and talking with creditors on the phone today!! HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT!! Then I got on twitter and lost my cool when someone made 2 stinging comments @ me. I would rather not go into the content, but I lost it and flew off the handle.
So, another friend stepped in and reminded us about unity. And I started thinking about how I failed the challenge, BUT… now I realize I didn’t fail; I am doing precisely what I deem this challenge to be about: Becoming accountable for my responses and interactions with others (and myself). So, in hind sight I didn’t fail the challenge at all, but succeeded in self awareness!
Tomorrow is another day, and so, I invite you to join me (us)… there is no way to fail this challenge; it is about giving and promoting peace around and within you. The more peace you emit the more peace you will attract…
Let me know if you are game; and keep us posted. Here's to a powerful week of peace, love, kindness, and accountability!
(Thank you Robin for inspiring me this week in being a better person, mother, wife, child, neighbor, friend and stranger.)
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