Yesterday I hated autism; I love love love my daughter, but autism…
I wanted it out of our lives forever. It is like a bad rash on your ass… You know it is there, but others cannot see it and don’t know it is there. Yes, they can suspect something is wrong, but unless you let them in on your little secret they don’t know.
Sometimes it burns and itches like hell… all you can do is complain about this annoying circumstance you find yourself facing, but that doesn’t make it better. And every step you take has to be carefully thought out and orchestrated. The intensity of the burn causes you to be irritable, short, and emotionally violent.
Sometimes you move in slow precise ways to ease its agony and those paying close attention see something is bothering you but they just can’t put their finger on what it is. Then there are those you trust enough to tell all about this freaking rash on your ass; they show empathy, offer ointments, and a comforting shoulder, but none of them can make it go away. In fact, even if they have a rash of their own they still can’t possibly understand how YOU feel about YOUR rash.
BUT, Today I embrace autism; I love the lessons autism teaches me.
teaches me patience
teaches me tolerance
teaches me about my weakness
teaches me that I am human
teaches me that I have strength beyond measurement
teaches me the true meaning of unconditional love
teaches me that the world is full of differences
teaches me to be resourceful
teaches me to slow down
teaches me to be creative
teaches me diversity
teaches me that God trusts me
teaches me that I am my child's biggest advocate
teaches me that my child is exceptional beyond labels
teaches me that we communicate beyond words
teaches me that we love beyond actions
teaches me...
(By no means, does this post have any derogatory intention meant towards my child or anyone else facing the autism label... it does have to do with the system, attitudes, IEP's, and the moments of helplessness we all feel on this journey. It was my expression about a day that really sucked in the world of autism.)
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