1:88 and not an epidemic per the CDC?
That is because they would have a HUGE backlash if they acknowledged anything environmentally was contributing to this enormous spike in the autism diagnosis.
I love my daughter unconditionally ~ quirks and all ~ but the challenges she goes through is not normal... I am not talking nuero-diversity, I am talking the biological complications of autism.
I am not even saying that vaccines caused her autism, she isn't "directly" vaccinated.... but environmental toxins most certainly plays a part and I do have too many friends whose child was typical prior to specific vaccines....
Our government needs to eat crow and acknowledge the role big pharma, industrialized farming, food additives, petroleum tar-based dyes in our foods, approved household chemicals, industrialized birthing practices etc plays not in just autism, but all childhood disorders that are at an all time high... cancer, adhd, diabetes, ms, down syndrome, add, anxiety, ocd, sensory processing disorder, aggression, etc.
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