If schools (dictated by the state) didn't enforce strict attendance policies and had better defined truancy policies.....
AND if employers would honor a mother's (or father's) inherent right to take time off with her (his) sick children AS NEEDED....
THEN when a child was ill, the parents would have the freedom to allow their children to stay home as long as it took to get them well.
Therefore, If less kids were sent to school sick (even in the early/late stages of a virus), less kids would get sick and this would save the employers dollars; and student sick days used would organically be lessened too ~ resulting in the district benchmarks being met.
And most importantly our children would be sick less often.
So, School Administrators (including secretaries).... stop making us feel guilty for making the call not to send our children to school when the child is sick or showing signs and symptoms of becoming sick.
Employers..... change your sick leave policies. It is ridiculous to think a parent will only miss 3-5 days a year for themselves AND their children being under the weather. Especially single parents or dual working parent households.
Parents.... take your power back! When your child is sick the single most important thing to that child is a parent's care and presence. Keep your children home when they are sick!! Then other children won't get sick as often!!! And those children wouldn't pass it back to your children!!
A vicious cycle solved.
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