So, yesterday’s prize fish from the fair are not doing well… so we ventured off to the pet store to get food, a sucker fish for the tank, and a few back up swimmers in case the goldfish don’t make it.
I don’t apologize that going to the pet store is one of my least favorite activities to do. My girls love it, I absolutely hate it! It’s not that I don’t like animals, but the whole experience is just heartbreaking for me.
Of course, they have the puppies greet you! You can’t avoid them… I tried, but there is just no way around them. They look at you with these big brown eyes pleading for you to become their new best friend. Once you pick them up it is over; the puppy breathe, soft fur, puppy kisses—all a part of the master plan to make them irresistible! It literally tears me up to have to walk away from them.
Although, I tried my best not to show it, a mellow yellow lab melted my heart today. I walked towards the aquatic section reminding myself that they grow up to be dogs, they are a lot of work and, frankly, I really don’t have the time or the energy to give a puppy what it needs. So… I was content to pick out a few fish.
I had the store clerk help me select the best algae eater to accompany the goldfish, then I called Emily over to pick out a couple of fish. As she rounded the corner, I noticed that she had that damn yellow lab in her arms. This dog was so cute, and I have seen a lot of puppies in my day, but this one really was mellow (my kind of dog)!
I convinced myself she was mellow because so many kids had surely played with her and she was just exhausted from all of the handling of the day. The guy helping me just had to say, “Yeah, she really is a mellow lab!” (Of course he is going to tell me that, he wants to make a sale.)
Okay, Susan focus on our mission here, “Pick out two fish; one for you and one for your sister.”
(Whew, that was close!)
I paid for the fish and supplies and headed towards the door. Emily stopped to say goodbye to Mellow-Yellow. (Yes, I named her. But, if I were to take her home that would have been the most befitting name.) As Emily said farewell, the puppy looked at her and I swear she knew what was about to happen; another family walking away from her. Mellow-Yellow whined as we opened the door, Emily looked at me with pleading eyes, and my heart sank.
Somehow, once we got home, I wasn’t so excited about the addition of fish to the acquarium. I felt crushing sadness to leave Yellow-Mellow behind today and wish my circumstances were different. But again, I have to say I really don’t have the time or energy for a dog.
Meet my newest family members…
Stan-Jan (short for Stanley Janitor) the algae eater, Smudge the black headed goldfish, and Dori the orange headed white goldfish. They are joining Peach and Bob from the fair. Maybe someday in the future we can get a new puppy… but until them I am the proud mama of fish.
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