Many of you were concerned with my weekend frustrations... be assured that my blogs serve multi-purposes.
Firstly, they are therapeutic - my motto has always been better out than in! When we store our stress, emotions and thoughts we do physically damage to our bodies. Once I am able to get the words/story out, I am able to make peace with it and move forward. (...and hey, this is much cheaper than therapy!!)
This creative outlet has allowed me to embrace autism and life fully while achieving my second goal... I strive to educate the masses about making conscious decisions in the world of motherhood and that included the good, bad and the ugly sides of autism and conscious/natural mothering.
I think that it is important for everyone to realize that when we are mindfully parenting our children, we still go through an array of raw emotions... this isn't a disney film of princes and dancing fairies with happily ever afters... we are still having a very real human experience that, sometimes, looks and feels like Grimm's Fairy tales.
But it is in those stories that lie deep life lessons and ways to resolution.
I have always said I have been blessed with autism and am grateful that my children have me for a mother!! I stand by that stance, although please understand to be in that head space of acceptance, beauty and unconditional love... we must experience the opposite.
Blessings to all of you on the spectrum journey and to those of you who are silent observers. I anticipate today will be a good day in the life of motherhood.
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