One of the reasons I was concerned about trying the Wi-Active again is because... last time I got to Day 4 I ended up in the ER and laid up for 7 weeks with kidney stones.
Now you might ask, "What does Wi-Active have to do with kidney stones?"
On Day 4 there happens to be a lot of jumping. I had this thought that perhaps that jiggled the stones loose the last time. Well, last night laying in bed... sure enough my left kidney started to throb. I knew that pain; it is one you cannot associate with anything else; kidney stones. I laid there and did Reiki on my kidneys while breathing through the pain... it wasn't as intense as February's episode so I was able to fall asleep.
When I got up this morning I still had a twinge, but it wasn't bad... I figured I would drink lots of water and hope that one of the remaining 16 stones would soon dislodge and pass with ease. I looked at the Wi.... DAY 5!!
Yes, that is right, I went ahead and did my workout. Why? I figured it could help this process and my over all health goal is important to me. So onward I ventured into jumping, running and boxing....
Okay, maybe not the brightest idea... I believe the stone is big and it is stuck trying to get out of the kidney; the more I exercised the more intense the pain.
Unfortunately, I had to reschedule my rare dinner date tonight with two good friends but am optimistic that the stone will pass soon. In the mean time, I am drinking tons of water and have located the left over percocet from the last episode just in case.
Day 5... Burned 137 calories.
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