It is Day 4 of my Wi Active Challenge...
Today was easier than Day 2 and thankfully not as much running as the first two days. However, the first two and a half minutes were brutal. When I stated to run the front of my legs hurt... muscles I didn't know I had. And if I did, I didn't know that they could hurt from exercising.
I am enjoying the structure of the devise and find the virtual coach to be actually helpful. Although I do roll my eyes from time to time at her. Thankfully she cannot see me or I'd be running more :)
Dare I say that I actually enjoyed the tennis drill and dance routine. More surprisingly I find the side lunges fun too. But, the best satisfaction is that I am taking my own health seriously; and that feels good.
I burned 100 calories in 21 minutes today... this whole calorie thing is giving me a new perspective about how many calories I consume... I am amazed how much work it takes to burn the calories equivalent to a serving of my favorite salad dressing...
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