If you are a Minister, Healer, Reiki Master, Shaman, Spiritualist, or Layperson you understand the power of prayer!
We know that when Jesus prayed He was able to change the weather, feed thousands, cast demons, and raise the dead. He was also able to perform miracles on the sick and heal lepers, the blind, hemorrhaging woman, the deaf, and more!
It is my belief that the power Jesus used resides in us all. Before you say the word ‘blasphemy’, let me explain further… When God proclaimed we were created in His Image and Likeness, that really didn’t mean that He has a physical body like ours, but rather our spiritual body is like His! The spirit that animates the physical resembles The Universal Energy we call God, Spirit, Yahweh, etc.
There are many interpretations, but Jesus declared, “…For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” Jesus gave us the tool to heal and create miracles; simply gather in His name.
Of course He didn’t mean in the physical sense, but energetically, in the Spirit, He would be with us. It is my belief that when this occurs, The God Energy strengthens within and around us; this is when doors open and miracles can and do occur. No matter what religion or belief we have, the power of prayer bridges all gaps creating never ending possibilities.
I ask you to join me on 9/9/09 in prayer for healing, vibrant health, and resources for the autism community.
Take time out of your day, pause, and raise our children and the children of tomorrow up in His name and ask the Lord to protect, nurture and heal them and their families.
May our government, scientists, doctors, and pharmaceutical companies be open to discovering the cause of this disabling condition and take the proper actions to prevent further harm.
May these children and families have productive, quality lives full of enrichment, companionship, and success.
May these children miraculously awaken from the constructs of autism full of expression, life, and joy!
Will you pray with me on 9/9/09 to prove Jesus can provide modern day miracles through us?
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