The applicant is proposing to lease a 40' by 60' area which will contain a 38' by 58' fenced area where a telecommunication tower and tower equipment will be located. The fence will be 8' in height and constructed of wood. The proposed tower is 120' in height. Plans submitted indicate that the tower will also have the capability of colocating two additional carriers. Access to the site will be provided by a 20' access and utility easement.
*There have been no long-term studies that idicate the health risks from exposure to low-level Radio Frequency/ Microwave (RF/MW) Radiation that is emitted from cell phone towers. *This industrial monstrosity will forever scar our charming school community.
*Homes devalue on average 15% depending how close a homeowner is to a tower.
*Construct, sign and mail the letter below immediately. The letters must arrive before the September 21st meeting!
*Attend the meeting on September 21st to voice your opinion to the Franklin County Comminssioners!
The time to stop the construction of the cell phone tower is now!
The meeting to decide whether to buld the cell phone tower in Monday, September 21, at 1:30 pm at the Franklin County Courthouse located at 373 South High Street, 26th floor. Case #VA/CU-3668. The matter is decided by the Franklin County Economic Development and Planning.
Go to the calendar and select August 17.
Select Meeting Materials.
Scroll down to Case VA/CU-3668 to view maps and related materials.
If you have links or information connecting RF/MW Radiation with health hazards please forward to me ASAP. And forward this to every one you know in this county!! Thank You!!
Matt Brown
Franklin County Economic Development and Planning
150 S. Front Street
FSL Suite 10
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Dear Mr. Brown,
We are strongly opposed to the placement of a cell tower within our neighborhood at 4243 Dublin Road. The required acreage for a cell tower is 2 acres. Mr. Rob Hinton's propery is only .98 acres. This alone should be enough to prevent the construction of the proposed tower. His property is surrounded by a dense population of homes, landscaping, and an elementary school. The cell tower would further lower property values at a time in our economy when we do not need this to happen.
Although the data in inconclusive, we are concerned about the RF signals emitted from a cell tower in our neighborhood and this close to a elementary school and its play ground. We request that the application by Verizon Wireless for a conditional variance allowing construction of the proposed tower be denied!
(your name)
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