My youngest daughter was struck by a car over the weekend on the 13th anniversary of my father’s death!! She was riding her bike on the sidewalk in front of our house when a teen on a cell phone backed out of her driveway without looking. The driver kept backing up after hitting her; pinning Sahara under the bike and car. She didn’t stop until my husband hit the trunk of her car while yelling, “STOP… MOVE FORWARD!" Had she gunned the car or had my husband not been right behind my child it could have been catastrophic.... The girl got out of the car still talking on her cell phone saying, "I'll have to call you back".
Luckily, Sahara walked away with only 2 scratches!!
So this incident has brought several issues to light with me:
The obvious is that cell phones should not be used in vehicles. As much as we would like to think we can multi-task, the dangers are too great! In a split second, this single distraction almost took a life.
After many people said we should have called the cops, pressed charges, filed an insurance claim… I have to address my thoughts about this. Firstly, my thoughts were foremost on my child’s well-being during the incident; no one existed around us in the moment except me and my child. I never even considered those ramifications until hours later after we determined that she was indeed going to be okay. Secondly, the teen did check on Sahara later that evening and I made it a point to let her know she almost killed a child that evening! I also pointed out that it could have been her 15 month old son behind that car! By the expression on her face, I am sure she is having trouble sleeping as much as I and that is a far more natural consequence than anything a court of law could do. Drawing it out into a legal battle would have been a consumption of my energy that I just don’t have to offer right now. However, please understand that had there been different injuries we would have taken different legal actions.
Or would we… in the time I have had to process this incident, I have also come to terms with the fact that my child could have died Saturday night. So, I ask myself what I would have done under those circumstances and I have to say my response surprises even me… I would have a difficult time destroying two families and therefore I would have advocated for her not to be prosecuted for manslaughter. Why? Again, the natural consequences of taking a life would be far more punishment that anyone deserves. And to rip another mother from another child would be just as catastrophic. Furthermore, you have to consider how those actions would affect the surviving sibling.
So, this makes me realize that there was a higher purpose to this incident. My husband and I have discussed this at great length, as Sahara should not have walked away uninjured. This was a cosmic contract; for Sahara, the teen, or someone else we don’t know, but we are sure that a contract was fulfilled. I am certain this incident probably saved future lives. Whether the teen will act more responsibly or because I vow not to use my phone in a car anymore… perhaps another bystander witnessed this and will act more cautiously or because you are reading this mother’s words… I don’t know. But something larger than us occurred that night.
Sahara shouldn’t have walked away with just two scratches!!
After scooping my limp child out of my husband’s arms, I collapsed into the yard with her. Shaking uncontrollably, everyone around me seemed to fade into the background. Her big sister ran into the house and got ice packs and wet wash clothes. I gentle began cleaning her scratches and touching her; within minutes she was up and walking.
A mother’s touch is healing; not some placebo effect, but truly healing. This is why children innately ask for their mother’s to touch their boo-boos and to kiss them. A mother permeates healing energy to her child allowing the boo-boo to genuinely feel better. This is the same phenomena that can explain why others heal ailments and mend bones simply when laying hands.
That evening when we went inside and lay on the couch together, I immediately activated Reiki and began energy work. This was the first Reiki session I had given to someone else since being attuned for the Master level just a couple nights before. She lay completely still for 50 minutes as I channeled energy to her. As soon as I was done, she jumped up and started laughing, talking, and dancing. I am not sure I can put into words what transpired, but I do know that she no longer limped and whined after this session.
I am certain that Sahara was protected that evening by entities that we couldn’t see.
I am aware that my spirituality strengthened that evening.
I am grateful that my child is alive!!
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