Are you a grocery voyeur? You know nonchalantly looking to see what treasures are on the conveyer belt ahead of you. Then you hear the chatter in your mind, “Where in carnation did she find that gluten free pizza kit?” Or “Man, I gotta try that chocolate torte someday.”
Truth be known… your higher brain kicked into motion the moment you stepped into the store and you followed the same path that you have followed each and every time you shop; never veering off the familiar path and perfectly avoiding other shopping carts on auto-pilot. (Just like when drove your car to the store that day… It’s okay, we all do it.)
Well, last week I decided to abort routine and mindfully go shopping; the kids were in school, husband at work, and I was off to expand my horizons. I won’t bore you with all of the labels I read (and let me tell you there was many!!) or all the answers to the questions I asked the annoyed employee who couldn’t get away from me soon enough.
But, let me share with you the find of the day... nutritional yeast! Yep, you heard correctly… nutritional yeast.
The gluten free tag hanging on the side of the bulk bin caught my eye and drew me in. I started reading the label and discovered not only is this food packed with, well, nutrition, but it claimed to be a great substitute for butter and cheese as well. I couldn’t resist… I scooped a cup of it from the bulk container and added it to my other treasures.
According to Wikipedia nutritional yeast is deactivated yeast similar to brewer’s yeast and is “produced by culturing the yeast with sugarcane and beet molasses”.
Nutritional Yeast has sodium, potassium, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, protein, calcium, iron, thiamin (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, biotin, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, and molybdenum.
I have incorporated it as a condiment this week without resistance from the pickiest of picky eaters. I have found that sprinkling it on popcorn or hiding it food is an easy way to get some great nutrition into your little (and big) ones. Stay tuned for future recipes containing this fabulous find.
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