I am sitting the waiting room with 3 other moms at Children's Hospital this morning. Each of us have a child in the social skills group. After 10 minutes of agonizing silence one Mom breaks the silence. Can you figure out which mom is me...
Mom #1: Is talking about the H1N1 vaccine. She is telling anyone that will listen that she is not going to get her kids vaccinated for it. She goes on to ramble about childhood vaccinations in general and how the whole concept just doesn't 'sit easy' with her, besides we all had chicken pox as a child and we are fine....
Mom #2: Is saying yeah, but... our kids are here in a hospital 3-4 times a week with lots of germ exposure (hospitals have more germs than any other public facility) and they are in school now around other kids with yet more germs. Plus if you get the shot you won't get the flu as bad if you hadn't taken it...
Mom #3: Is quietly texting on her cell phone, not daring to enter the debate. Probably texting her husband about the crazy mothers in the lobby today....
Mom #4: Is debating in her head whether or not she should dare chime in or not. By the time she mentions the getting sick actually strengthens the immune system, the conversation abruptly changes to giving childbirth....
Which mom am I... Mom #1,2,3, or 4?
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