Here is a thought:
Look at the horizon and up into the sky... Do you see smoke stacks? Power Plants? Jets? Trails of pretty white smoke?
Now look down the road in your communities… Do you see cars? Lawn Mowers? Chimneys?
Have you ever thought about where the vapors, smoke and gas go? It has to go somewhere —it does not just magically disappear.
I suggest that we are inhaling all of this pollution with every breath we take and that they are lacing our foods as they settle across our farms. I also suggest that these particles are being trapped within our homes.
If everyone made an effort to change a few things they do the air quality in your home could improve. I have found that taking small simple steps will help prevent or clean up the residue left behind. Here are some suggestions that you can consider doing to make the air you breathe healthier.
1) Walk or ride your bike to local activities.
2) Car Pool to work or school.
3) Use a push reel mower to cut your lawn. (lawn mowers emit more toxins than a car.)
4) Open your window in each room at least 5 minutes a day.
5) Use a hepa filtered vacuum cleaner.
6) Invest in an air purifier for your home and office.
7) Add folage indoors... plants help clean the air.
9) Use non-toxic cleansers.
8) Remove your shoes before entering your house to eliminate contamination from the bottom of your shoes.
10) Knowledge is power... There are valuable products designed to fight against this pollution and free radicals... research them and start using them.
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