1. Ask: Identify what you want and ask for it. Write it down or post it on a vision board, your refrigerator, car visor, in your work space, bathroom, bedroom ceiling… put it everywhere!!
Look at it every day often.
2. Believe: Believe that it is already yours- even if you don’t know how it is going to come about. Believe and Feel as if you already have it.
3. Receive: Be open to receiving your want. Without the ability to receive it- it will not manifest.
Monitor your thoughts… every thought, over 65,000 of them each day, manifests our reality. This is not just wishful thinking… quantum physics states that thoughts have magnetic frequencies. This has been proven by science and in this science energy attracts like energy.
So if thoughts have magnetic frequencies then... whatever you think about you manifest. We are the creators of our own reality.
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