When oxygen reacts with other substances, it causes oxidation. Fire, for example, is rapid oxidation. We also see it when iron rusts; the rust is oxidation. An apple cut in half and exposed to air & turns brown; the browning is oxidation.
This process of oxidation can also occur within the body, where it's called biological rancidification. Free radicals are molecules that are missing an electron, so they steal a replacement electron from another molecule, causing oxidative damage to the "victimized" molecule and the tissue of which it is a part.
Unfortunately, there's a domino effect caused by free radicals in the body. They don't just cause one reaction and stop. The "victimized" molecule now steals a replacement electron from yet a third molecule...and on and on it goes.
Now, we need oxygen to live. That's obvious!
Every cell of the body--trillions of them--needs oxygen to carry on their individual functions. Brain cells, for example, begin to die after only three minutes without a fresh supply of oxygen. When the free radicals steal the negative ions from the oxygen molecules they begin to clog the elimination channels and cause them to work ineffectively.
German physiologist Otto Warburg discovered that there are many secondary causes of cancer, but they cannot cause cancer without the presence of the primary cause: he won the 1931 and the 1944 Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology for his discovery that a lack of oxygen to cells is the primary cause of cancer.
So how can we increase our oxygen and gain the essential anions to attack and remove the free radicals to promote wellness?
· Use hydrogen peroxide in the ear at the onset of a cold (tilt head, pour H2O2 in ear, leave in for a few minutes, tilt head to other side to empty).
· Use food-grade hydrogen peroxide (35%) and put a diluted solution of it into a vaporizer at night.
· HYPERBARIC treatments.
· Acupressure points. There are two points right under your collar bone. Take your thumb and index finger and place them in front of the pupils of your eyes. Keep your fingers at this distance and move down to your collar bone. Feel with your fingers until you hit a tender spot. This is the pressure point. Press down and rotate the fingers in a clockwise fashion. Then repeat with your left hand and turn counter clockwise this time. By stimulating these points you increase the oxygen that is going to your brain.
· Avoid Carbonated Soft Drinks. The sugar and carbonic acid in the soda diffuse into the blood and decrease oxygen levels.
· Open a window in each room for at least 5 minutes a day.
· Go outdoors.
· Practice Yoga.
· Laughter often.
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