Yes, she was handed down to us through our collective unconsciousness. She is an archetype hanging out with our child, victim, mother, and hero. Her identity resides within our core and patiently waits to be solicited.
Often, we don’t acknowledge that she even exists, we suppress her essence. But there are moments in our lives that she will creep up, offering amazing opportunities that will bid our merging with her.
There will be moments when we are asked to sell ourselves for the more prestigious job; to give up a part of ourselves for the avoidance of our fears; to surrender our voice for the suppression of our truth; and to deny our essence in paralysis of the unknown future. These are the moments the prostitute triumphs.
When she starts enticing you— what will you do?
In our culture, it has become customary for us to follow the likes of someone else; a colleague, spouse, parent, boss, doctor, teacher, senator… it doesn’t really matter… we all will be persuaded. I have come to terms that often our experience is what another dictates it to be. We follow suit and sell ourselves out. We no longer hold true to what is in our hearts, minds and souls… instead we allow ourselves to be tempted.
Our prostitute beckons our attention during not so subtle moments; facing us square on while asking the question, “Have you become whole enough to resist my temptation?”
There are constructs instituted by man that have mastered the art of igniting fear within each of us, within our cultures, and within our world allowing our prostitute to be persuaded, seduced, and bought. The mission of the prostitute is to teach us how to resist these tempations, to walk in our own truth, and not be influenced by the attitudes and beliefs of others.
A moment needs to occur when our prostitute integrates within us. That is the moment we can reclaim without hesitation our innate voice, perspective, and courage. When we reclaim our truth and hold onto it with unwavering confidence we become empowered and whole.
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