A couple of years aso I was distributing a wellness product on different internet classified sites…
I had a woman submit an offer via email, she claimed her sister had cancer and she just knew that this product was what would help her. She pulled my heart strings. I was so excited because I was going to make a nice profit and help someone in the process.
She used phrases like, “Bless you” and I thought, “A Christian wouldn’t dupe me, right?”
Well, when I received the money gram – it was for twice as much as the purchase price. I contacted her to see if she was purchasing two. She said no, that the difference was for her delivery guy. He would be in Columbus in a few days. I was instructed to cash the check, keep my portion, and give her employee the balance as cash when he picked up the product.
I went to Wal-Mart and they told me the money gram was legitimate, I went to the bank and they said it looked legitimate, and within a week the money was available in my account! I was so excited!
In the mean time, I received another check. This time it was for $2000 more than the purchase price. This purchaser said, “My secretary made a huge mistake… instead of cutting you a new check, cash it, and when my associate picks it up just give him the difference in cash. “
I took this check to the bank— excited that the first cleared, but cautious enough to inquire that I was concerned about with being a victim of fraud… The banker said it looked real and again within a few days the banker personally told me that it, too, cleared; I had all of this money in my account. Excluding the portion they needed back I was ahead quite a bit. With a special needs child at home this money was huge for a struggling family.
After the banker said that the money cleared I paid car payments, utilities, and had a small portion left. That night I sent my husband out for ice cream to celebrate… and then the check card bounced! The bank said that both checks were fraudulent and the money was removed from our account.
Remember, the bank had originally cleared them as legitimate, but now was saying ‘oops we made a mistake you are a victim of fraud’.
Now, you would think that would be covered by some type of bank insurance, but it was not. I was responsible for the money I spent (I paid bills with it and didn’t have that money to repay the bank).
I had a woman submit an offer via email, she claimed her sister had cancer and she just knew that this product was what would help her. She pulled my heart strings. I was so excited because I was going to make a nice profit and help someone in the process.
She used phrases like, “Bless you” and I thought, “A Christian wouldn’t dupe me, right?”
Well, when I received the money gram – it was for twice as much as the purchase price. I contacted her to see if she was purchasing two. She said no, that the difference was for her delivery guy. He would be in Columbus in a few days. I was instructed to cash the check, keep my portion, and give her employee the balance as cash when he picked up the product.
I went to Wal-Mart and they told me the money gram was legitimate, I went to the bank and they said it looked legitimate, and within a week the money was available in my account! I was so excited!
In the mean time, I received another check. This time it was for $2000 more than the purchase price. This purchaser said, “My secretary made a huge mistake… instead of cutting you a new check, cash it, and when my associate picks it up just give him the difference in cash. “
I took this check to the bank— excited that the first cleared, but cautious enough to inquire that I was concerned about with being a victim of fraud… The banker said it looked real and again within a few days the banker personally told me that it, too, cleared; I had all of this money in my account. Excluding the portion they needed back I was ahead quite a bit. With a special needs child at home this money was huge for a struggling family.
After the banker said that the money cleared I paid car payments, utilities, and had a small portion left. That night I sent my husband out for ice cream to celebrate… and then the check card bounced! The bank said that both checks were fraudulent and the money was removed from our account.
Remember, the bank had originally cleared them as legitimate, but now was saying ‘oops we made a mistake you are a victim of fraud’.
Now, you would think that would be covered by some type of bank insurance, but it was not. I was responsible for the money I spent (I paid bills with it and didn’t have that money to repay the bank).
On top of that, the bank was charging ME for submitting a fraudulent check and the bouncing fees were accruing for all the items that I thought I was paying for with real money. My husband’s paychecks were being absorbed and we were growing further and further in debt to the bank. I finally closed the account to stop the fees from accruing.
Thank God I didn’t give them the cash or the products!!
Since this happened I get about 1 solicitation a month from different people about making a purchase for a product I no longer sell… but that doesn’t stop these people… they don’t care who they hurt... they are crooks.
LESSON LEARNED: Never do business with someone you don’t know, especially someone from online classified sites… IF they are unwilling to pay you in cash or via pay pal, you are being scammed. This is real, protect yourself!
Thank God I didn’t give them the cash or the products!!
Since this happened I get about 1 solicitation a month from different people about making a purchase for a product I no longer sell… but that doesn’t stop these people… they don’t care who they hurt... they are crooks.
LESSON LEARNED: Never do business with someone you don’t know, especially someone from online classified sites… IF they are unwilling to pay you in cash or via pay pal, you are being scammed. This is real, protect yourself!
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