I started to think about this $3,000,000!! I googled around to find out how much it costs to raise a typically developing child and that number was still quite high – averaging around $235,000.
Then it dawned on me, as I prepared Sahara’s breakfast of a GFCF smoothie, that her specialized diet alone was capitalizing on our single income. And what about the clothing that had to be a certain fabric because of her sensory issues; just yesterday I had to resort to turning her leggins inside-out to avoid the seam against her skin. And the kooshi balls, tampolines, the sensory box, the pecs... the list of home aids is just innumberable.
All of this and the speech and occupational therapies, food, specialists, supplements… swirled in my head. The thought of it is enough to overwhelm even The Donald. But all of these things have a place, something we learned to adapt to.
However, what I don’t grasp is the $2200 neurologist bill that arrived in our mailbox yesterday; he was only in the room 20 minutes— tops! Or… what about the autism specialist that is charging $300 an hour, excluding the lab work or treatments/supplements in which insurance won't touch, does he have a right to exploit parent’s hope - because of the almighty dollar?
Autism is a viable industry, just like cancer. I try to avoid downer feelings of capitalization taking advantage of the families and children faced with this epidemic, but sometimes it is difficult. There are so many things available for the proactive parent; but not always the means to pursue it. Certainly, $3,000,000 is not just sitting in an account waiting to be liquidated. I really feel for the children whose parents are not even aware that a GFCF diet can be helpful to some of these kids, that the county will pay for some of the therapy or that floortime, a no cost approach, can effectively be used in your own home.
I suppose that is why I started this blog, to educate all parents that there are rays of hope in their future. With the new administration more hope floats into my essence than before. I pray that they can comprehend the desperation in the 1 out 132 children’s families who are experiencing autism and faced with a $3,000,000 persoanl deficit. More so, I hope the recognize that the wisdom of the universe can help guide us to create a more prosperous life for these kids; one of hope, productivity, and meaningful relationships.
Recently, I recieved an email stating the Obama Administration did ask some of the "Evolutionary Leaders to communicate about what is transpiring on the planet, and how we can change the course of the unprecedented events that are challenging this planet. "
I think now more than every that we need to let our leaders hear our voice. Please join me, Deepak Chopra, Gregg Braden, Michael Beckwith and many, many others, in showing this administration how many people are in favor for
* Building a global community and creating a culture of peace.* Restoring ecological balance to nourish all life, and mitigate the effects of climate change.* Engaging in social and political transformation by calling for a more conscious democracy.* Promoting health and healing by acknowledging the profound mind-body-spirit connection.* Supporting research and education that optimize human capacities.* Encouraging integrity in business and conscious media.
The Evolutionary Leaders are also asking us to sign a petition to show the Administration how many people are in favor for these changes to occur. They need 100,000 signatures. The petition link and a discription of their recommendations can be found here:
Please consider taking action. This stance will help our leaders see that there has to be another way to afford health and peace for all of the children of this world.
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